What is nStride Injection Therapy?
Knee Replacement
Knee Arthroscopy
Signature Knee Replacement
PSI Knee Replacement
iASSIST Knee Replacement
Personalised Knee Replacement
Robotic Total Knee Replacement
Knee Injections
Knee Presentation for Patient Education
Prof. Nikhil Pradhan has launched a dedicated early intervention clinic offering nSTRIDE which uses healthy extracts from patients’ own blood with the aim to uniquely target the causes of osteoarthritis as well as treating the pain itself.
Aimed at patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis, a single nSTRIDE® injection may provide effective pain relief and improved knee function for up to three years.
Individually prepared for you
nSTRIDE APS® uses your own body to help relieve your pain, so the treatment is unique to you.
Reduces pain & improves mobility long
nSTRIDE APS® is a fast-acting Osteoarthritis knee pain treatment. Within one to two weeks, it could reduce your knee pain and improve functionality for up to three years.
Backed by science
A study published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine details nSTRIDE APS® as a safe and viable treatment for people living with knee Osteoarthritis.
“Living with knee pain can be quite debilitating, not just physically but psychologically too. It can affect your ability to work, your family life and relationships,” said Mr Pradhan who runs the Cheshire Hip and Knee Clinic in Warrington.
“The management of pain is a ladder with painkillers and physiotherapy at the bottom and surgical options finishing with a knee replacement at the top. But for a lot of people there is an unbearable gap in between which has widened further because of the pandemic.
“Before nSTRIDE the only treatment we could offer these patients was opioid painkillers to mask the pain and steroid injections which only provide short-term pain relief and in younger patients can also cause damage to the cartilage.
“But, nSTRIDE provides me with a potential solution to offer these patients. For the first time we are looking at being able to treat the cause of pain – not just masking the pain – which is potentially game-changing.”
Knee pain is the reason for around 60,000 GP appointments every day in the UK and 23 per cent of all people over the age of 50 report severe knee pain.
The innovative nSTRIDE therapy is designed to treat the pain and target the inflammation which drives cartilage degradation and destruction in osteoarthritis. Anti-inflammatory proteins and anabolic growth factors are taken from the blood and, after being concentrated in a centrifuge, injected back into the knee.
He added: “There is enough known now to say nSTRIDE has the potential to slow the rate of progression of early onset arthritis as well as providing patients with a natural biologically treatment that relieves their pain. Biologics really is the future.”
nSTRIDE has recently been featured in the Daily Mail with Steve Backshall an advocate of the treatment, see the article below:
The nSTRIDE® Procedure

Your local nSTRIDE® clinic takes your blood and they harvest the white blood cells from it.

Within 20 minutes blood is processed to make anti-inflammatory proteins.

Your local nSTRIDE® clinic injects those proteins back into your joint.

Your pain is reduced, your mobility and your disease progression might slow down
Knee Replacement
Knee Arthroscopy
Signature Knee Replacement
PSI Knee Replacement
iASSIST Knee Replacement
Personalised Knee Replacement
Robotic Total Knee Replacement
Knee Injections
Knee Presentation for Patient Education
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